Live on in My love. ~ John 15:9
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If you desire to spiritually unite with a group of men and women who are informally associated with the mission of this Hermitage, please feel welcome to join. The mission of this Hermitage is hidden prayer for all under the care of Mary; beneath the gaze of her loving glance.
The only requirement is love and an invitation to live a simple program of spirituality as outlined below. Its simplicity offers each Companion the freedom to grow as the Spirit of God directs, according to one's personal vocation in life. Mary, in her humility, remains hidden and close to you as Protectress and tender Mother.
~ Consecrate the day for whatever intentions the Spirit inspires.
Please also lift the intentions entrusted to the Hermitage.
~ Open yourself to an awareness of God's Presence throughout the day.
As the days pass, you may find this loving ascetical practice will come easily and more frequenly without effort. The eyes of your heart will perceive God everywhere.
~ Each day, spend quality time in silent prayer.
Silent prayer. It may be 2 min., 20 min., or more. Whatever it is, it will be a time for God to simply love you in the stillness of your soul.
~ Pray daily a favorite prayer to Mary.
It may be a Hail Mary, the Angelus, a rosary, whatever... It may simply be, "Mary, I love you."
Every three months, you will receive a letter from the Hermitage. There are no dues and no meetings. If you are inspired to join, you are most welcome. Upon receiving your name and address, you will receive the latest quarterly letter and each quarterly letter going forward.
Be still and know that I am God ...
Psalm 46:11
Ave Regina Caelorum (Hail, Queen of Heaven) - An ancient Marian antiphon arranged for harp by celtic harpist, Lauren Mary Longo. Traditionally, it is said or sung after night prayer, from the Feast of the Presentation, February 2nd, through Wednesday of Holy Week.
~ Our Lady of Tenderness, pray for us! ~