


Hermitage Reflection for July

- The Catch of Grace -

God of wisdom and love,
source of all good,
send Your Spirit to teach us Your truth
and guide our actions in Your way of peace.

~ Liturgy of the Hours: 10th Week in Ordinary Time

It's often after the word spoken or the deed done that I realize I messed up again. Rarely do I catch myself before the fall; and rarely do I forgive myself.

Grace alone does catch me, at times! Grace alone influences my thought, my spoken word, or deed before I mess it up. Grace, through the gentle, caring hush of the Spirit, is ushered in with life-lifting care.

Thanks be to God for the gift of His life-saving grace!


Prayer to Our Lady of Tenderness


Below is a prayer composed by Bishop John W. Flesey to Our Lady of Tenderness. United in heart and mind, let us pray that hearts across our globe may open to receive the gift of Christ's peace.

Our Lady

Dear Lady of Tenderness,

We live in an angry and violent world. War and terrorism threaten us on all sides. We respectfully turn to you, O Mother of the Compassionate One. We beg your intercession for us, your suffering sons and daughters. Because of the intimate bond you share with your Son Jesus, our Risen Lord, we know you will hear and heed our prayer for help. Ask your Savior Son to pour forth His Peace into our minds and hearts so that we might become one truly holy family united and guided by His Holy Spirit. Amen.
~ Most Rev. John W. Flesey, STD, DD




~ Our Lady of Tenderness, pray for us! ~